Google Earth on Fedora

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Installing Google Earth in Fedora is trickier than it should. Here is a short HOWTO:

  • Download 64bits Fedora version from [Google Earth site](
  • sudo yum install google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
  • OOOPS!!! You got **file /usr/bin from install of google-earth-stable- conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-28.fc21.x86_64**
  • rpm has an error, we need to fix it. We'll rebuild the rpm fixing the error with **rpmrebuild**

    • sudo yum install rpmrebuild
  • rpmrebuild -ep google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
  • A text editor with the spec file (rpm configuration file) is opened, you need to delete the line **%dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/usr/bin"**
  • rpmrebuild will ask for confirmation and inform about the path of the generated rpm, just install it
  • sudo yum localinstall ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/google-earth-stable-
  • Now, the application is succesfully installed, but sometimes crashes when started. It looks like the best to it is to install the 32 bits verion, or Google Earth 6 (latest is 7 at the time of writing this post). Unless you need any specific feature from version 7 I recommend installing version 6 rather than the 32 bits version of 7. The latter requires many dependencies, and it's still buggy on Fedora.

    More info:

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