Adding your blogger page to Google sitemap

Google sitemap is a service that allows you to get many information about what Google think about your page (pageranks, best position searches, errors...). It's easy to use sitemap whan you have your page in a server under your control, but there...


DNS update at

I've changed the dns settings for this blog, because a blogger issue (I suppose) that didn't redirect requests to to this blog (just from manages external domains for blogs, but with previous commented...


Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 released

Finally, after 21 months of constant development, last version of Debian distribution has been released. Oppositely to previous versions of Debian, Etch has a "up-to-date flavour", including last version packages such as Linux kernel 2.6, MySQL...


bug in IE

It's known that Microsoft Internet Explorer usually shows pages in a different way than good web programmers expect. Luckily those differences diminish when using XHTML Strict and CSS, but sometimes we are surprised for some huge bugs.This is the...


Google Products

It's not a secret that I like Google products, I use Gmail for mail, Google for searching sites, Google calendar, Google docs, this blog is developed under blogger, picassa and youtube...But last Google product is really incredible... I think...



Today I've learnt a new Subversion command, but I want to review all subversion usage (in the simplest way...). Here you have the shortest Subversion manual:svn checkout http://repository_url <- Get a new repository in current directorysvn import...


Web 2.0

Those days everybody is using Web 2.0 and AJAX, but everyone understand a different meaning of those technologies. Here I'll explain my interpretation.In short I'll use this formula:Web 2.0 = XHTML Strict + CSS2 + AJAXIt means the end of using...


Firefox & Google browser sync

Nowadays, almost everybody already know how good is firefox. Not so many know about a very good extension for it, Google browser sync. It keeps all your browser's personal information into your Google account, and synchronizes it in any computer....


Sony Vaio support

Some days ago, my laptop's screen crashed. It's a Sony Vaio, and my experience hasn't been good at all.My first problems were when contacting vaio support spain, I had to do many calls to know the whole procedure, register my laptop in the...


New blog

This is the new placeholder for my blog. It's hosted by Google's blogger service.Main purpose of this blog is sharing computer related experiences. Despite of this, I've added some photo galleries about my personal live (specially traveling).
