CSS Centering

Today I find a solution for one of the most common problems I had with CSS, vertical centering. I really don't like CSS, and one of my examples to explain why, it was the lack of a elegant way to vertical align an element inside a div. First page I …


Compare two XML strings in Python

I had to compare two XML strings for some unit tests, and if you want to do it without considering the indentation, or the newlines, it is a little bit tricky.I thought that parsing the original xml and returning it again (using minidom), I'd got...


Brother printer and GNU (aka Linux)

Some time ago I purchased a Brother multifunctional priner/scanner/fax, the MFC-235C.Today, after reinstalling my laptop, I had to install it again, and it has been as easy as the first. Specially because Brother has GNU (aka Linux) support,...


StdImage updated to trunk

Everything is changing on Django those days, and many people contacted me because StdImage stopped working with trunk.Basically all major changes (except GeoDjango) affected it, such as change from newforms to forms, signal refactoring, and file...


Cuil? WTF!

Few days ago a new search engine was published, and many media covered the it. I supposed for that, that it should be something important, but I think that in few days it'll only be important for its creators. Why I think that? Well, here you...


Firefox Add-ons (update)

Some time ago, I wrote a post in this blog about the essential Firefox extensions for developers. After some time, that post is out of date, so I changed some of those extensions, and started using some new. Here is the updated list:Firebug:...


Translating Django apps. Good practices

In this article you'll find some tips, that could be useful for avoiding problems or extra work when translating your Django application.1. Setting up the environmentDoing some trivial changes to your project structure, can avoid you of...


DjangoCon is still alive?

On July 13th, DjangoCon 2008 was announced, and the illusion and nervousness started for many djangonauts. The main problem here, is that due to the lack of time and experience, the number of attendees is limited to 200. That makes sense, but...


Django i18n status

Here you have what, from my point of view, is the status of django i18n. Comments will be very welcome, specially from people from countries with other i18n needs than mine (based on the idea that Django i18n is perfect for people in the US, here...


TransDb working on trunk!

Some days ago, after the merge of qs-rf to trunk, model field i18n was in trouble, so the principal package for this approach (django-multilingual) stopped working for the latest version of trunk.This weekend we had a TransDb sprint, to try to...
